Sunday, April 12, 2009

Evolution is the sum of its failures...

Today morning I opened the paper to read the above article. Long story short, boy dies bungee jumping. What makes this something for me to pay attention to is that I truly believe I could've been that boy.
One of my friends had spotted this bungee thing about 4 weeks before this kid died. He was absolutely insistent that we all go for it. When I was asked about it, I immediately knew that this is something that I will NOT do. Here's how my life goes.
a) I percieve options.
b) My gut leaps with joy or sinks with doubt
c) I immediately follow my gut-instinct
I have seen the hand of destiny work around me so close, that the last thing I will do is disregard it. I have had so many personal miracles work for me that it is difficult for me to believe that the universe does not have a design. Life works out best when your life is in sync with the flow of the universe around you.
The signs are quite vivid. We choose to ignore or see the signs. The ability to see your action as a seperate person (or a third person) is a powerful skill. Ancient japanese warriors were capable of a discipline where when they enter battle, they were able to see their actions as a third person - devoid of ego, devoid of distraction and devoid of fear. The mind evolves long before the body begins to see the need to. The mind can see the hidden print - when I see a bungee jumping crane, I can see the points of failure. When my mind is not comfortable with the various scenarios that have already been played out in my thoughts, it signals doubt in the form of a physical reaction. This reaction is what I call gut instinct.
The will to survive is an amazing force within the human psyche. If you feel an overwhelming fear which you have no explanation to, I suggest you rethink what you are going to do. 9 times out of 10, that fear is your mind highlighting points of failure in your future course of action.

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